Hoping to be a part of DepEd? Then you will have to undergo screenings, interviews and of course a test! THE ENGLISH PROFICIENCY TEST (EPT).
To the English Majors, taking the English Proficiency Test (EPT) for teacher applicants is a big advantage. It is so because it is their specialization. But, not all English majors make it to the test. The acers, sometimes, have different specialization. If you want to be a public school teacher, taking the DepEd English Proficiency Test (EPT) is one of the processes you have to take. No one is exempted from it. Some teacher applicants usually do not make it to the REGISTRY OF QUALIFIED APPLICANTS (RQA) because they fail the DepEd EPT.
You must now, begin taking our DepEd EPT Reviewer and get yourself used to a time-pressured exam like this. Remember that there is a lot of reading text in the test, but they only ask two to three questions related to it! Make sure you read carefully and thoroughly so you don’t have to go over the text again to understand what it is saying.